
Here are my ideas about the following:

Science - Our understanding of the world. This is subject to change as         we define things of the unknown. Science becomes more and more accurate.

Philosophy - Plays with ideas, the what-ifs and could be accurate, yet not considered true within the paramaters of science.

Religion - Philosophies considered true.

Psychology - Understanding behaviour by utilising all of the above.

War - Groups of people who believe different stories and want to impose it on each other.

Peace - Groups who like their own story and resects another group's right to believe in one.

Fiction - An analogy to the real world where our desires bubble up and guides a story.

The real world - A blend of fact and fiction. Considered by most to be worth it, by others not a nice place to be...

© 2020 Michael J Secreve  -  All Rights Reserved


  1. Een leuke indeling... Maar dit zijn bijna allemaal concepten.
    Woorden, die hun betekenis ontlenen aan andere woorden, dus net als Baron van Münchhausen die zich aan zijn eigen haarvlecht uit een moeras trok...
    Behalve oorlog en vrede, die zijn beide zo tastbaar als wat...


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